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Results of Thera-Clean Microbubble Baths


Peter 10 years old
Condition: Flakey Tail

Watch the progression from tiny scales to a healing and healthy tail!

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Peter developed an allergy starting with his tail.  It was tiny, scaley, and growing fast. The vet didn’t provide much help other than a cream Peter wouldn’t allow on his tail.


I knew Megan, of Ma & Paws Bakery.  I read about Thera-Clean baths. We discussed possible treatments. I agreed to the baths. She shaved Peter’s tail completely to eliminate the flakes and to clean it before we initiated his first bath.

We agreed to four baths over a month’s time. It was amazing to watch a damaged tail begin to grow back pink and healthy.  Peter’s attitude sparked up as well. 


An additional benefit is Peter stopped shedding prolifically.  Before the micro bubble baths, I vacuumed daily.  Not anymore!  His coat simply glows.


Great work by Megan. I’m a true fan of the deep cleaning provided by Thera-Clean baths!

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